Why Hiring an Agency Is the Best Move You Can Make


If you don’t outsource freelancers or an agency, chances are all of your marketing will be carried out internally. From the bosses son who ‘knows photoshop’ to whole departments; when you have an internal resource, it’s easy to pull them from pillar to post and completely assign them to other tasks altogether, that aren’t necessarily in their job description. The resulting backlog of work is inevitable and/or compromises will need to be made.

Bringing onboard an agency can help you avoid these headaches, freeing up your internal team and offloading any of those extra responsibilities. Now let’s dive into the cost…

It’s a well prescribed misconception, that using an external agency will cost more (ignoring those big brand agencies where all you’re paying for is the name), however it’s actually more cost effective and less of a long term commitment than hiring staff. The average daily rate for an agency multiplied by how often you will need to utilise them is generally less expensive per month than a full-time employee in your office – and don’t forget about the overheads!

Having access to your external agency’s pool of creative talent can be multiple times more cost effective, than the restrictions and hurdles that come with having that one person internally, or small team trying to get all the work completed (and on time and within budget). The level and quality of content produced will be far richer than what can be created in-house, and with the ability to get the work done more efficiently, this will benefit your business long term. This is the greatest cost benefit to employing an agency teeming with artworkers, copywriters, developers, designers, managers and strategists, all supporting your marketing efforts.

Finally, it forces you to break out of the creative bubble you have been working in, perhaps for years? Ideas can become more and more difficult to come up with, and the strategy that navigates your business can become ineffective overtime. Einstein said that the definition of Insanity was doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results; in the case of businesses, it’s using the same internal resources year after year, and expecting better results and growth. An external agency can tap into the latest trends, provide a fresh pair of eyes, create relevance and a new perspective on your brand, providing new marketing opportunities that you may have otherwise overlooked.

ArticlesKevin Palmer